Taking Part in the Marple Carnival Parade

The Marple Carnival parade is a very important part of Carnival day. People line the streets to cheer the local groups and entertainment acts. It is also a great way to publicise you organisation or local business - for free!

The application form for taking part can be found further down this page.

Before applying, here is some useful information if you are interested in taking part:

Marple Carnival Participants

Things to consider:

  • If children are to take part; remember you will need permission slips signed by parents/guardians

  • You will need sufficient adults to help with the supervision of the group on the day; especially ‘walking groups. Suggested ratios (OFSTED/DCSF guidelines) are: ages 5-8 years, 1 adult for every 4 children; ages 8 years+, 1 adult for every 8 children

  • Please try to encourage your ‘helpers’ to dress up and be part of your group

  • Think about having music to go with your entry - this can help your group stand out

  • Please ensure that appropriate vehicle insurance is held for using a float i.e. public liability (check with your/vehicle owners current policy supplier)

  • Make a large banner to advertise your group – let everyone know who you are!

  • Organise flyers to hand out to the spectators advertising your group/services

Parade entries will be judged in two separate categories: 

  1. Best float / vehicle entry
  2. Best walking entry

What you need to do to apply:

  • Get a copy of your public liability information to hand and complete a risk assessment form (a blank template can be found further down this page). These documents can be attached when you apply below - or they can be sent to our email address marplecarnival@gmail.com no later than 4 weeks before Carnival day
  • Fill in the application form below (at least 4 weeks before Carnival day)

Failure to supply the requested documents before Carnival Day might affect your application.

If you miss the deadline (21st May 2025) please email marplecarnival@gmail.com as late applications may be considered. Please make sure you have the required documentation ready.

Please read the terms and conditions before applying. 

By completing this form you agree with the storage and handling of your personal details by this website.
Your details will never be shared with third parties.

Marple Carnival Parade Application Form

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Essential Documentation: Public Liability and Risk Assessment

Please upload a PDF copy of your public liability cover and a completed risk assessment (also a PDF). The maximum file size is 1MB each.

If you are unable to upload a PDF copy of your public liability cover and completed risk assessment, please email these documents to marplecarnival@gmail.com. Please include the name of your group/ business in the email subject. These need to be received by the team at least 4 weeks before the event otherwise entry to the parade may be refused. We have a generic risk assessment template here.

Terms and Conditions

  1. All entrants must book in at the parade assembly point adjacent to the old public toilets on Oldknow Road NO LATER THAN 12pm and be ready to move off at 1pm promptly. Please sign in with one of the parade team, who will show you to your place within the parade.
  2. Marple Carnival Committee reserves the right to refuse entry to any vehicle/ float/ group/ person which they consider to be unsuitable. In the event of a dispute the decision of the Committee is final. All entrants must complete the full processional route.
  3. All vehicular entrants are to provide at least one marshal to be responsible for the safety of both the float and the watching public.
  4. All entrants with children must provide sufficient adults to ensure the safety of those taking part at all times.
  5. Collecting boxes and buckets will be at the parade assembly point and your help in collecting will be gratefully appreciated. All monies collected belong to Marple Carnival Committee and must be handed back to the parade assembly point at the end of the parade.
  6. If you have any queries regarding the parade please speak to one of the Parade Marshals.
  7. Marple Carnival Committee will not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury to entrants or property.

Thank you!

Thank you in advance for considering supporting this community event.

Parade Route

Where your friends can wave you on:

Marple Carnival Parade Route Map

Marple Carnival Logo

This web site is provided free of charge by The Marple Website.